Our Firm
ResiShares analyst underwriting tools

Single Family Residential Investing,


We systematically capture alpha at every decision point in our acquisition and operation of single family homes for our institutional capital partners.

Identify Growth

Billions of individual data points across hundreds of millions of US home transactions inform our proprietary research, with which we seek to identify the fastest-growing neighborhoods in the fastest-growing markets in the country. Our process is tested through multiple market cycles, focusing on secular growth wherever we can identify it.

Identify Growth
Identify Growth
Identify Growth

Billions of individual data points across hundreds of millions of US home transactions inform our proprietary research, with which we seek to identify the fastest-growing neighborhoods in the fastest-growing markets in the country. Our process is tested through multiple market cycles, focusing on secular growth wherever we can identify it.

Buy Well

Our in-house acquisition platform automatically filters thousands of opportunities per day to enable a hierarchy of increasingly experienced underwriters to apply their expertise to increasingly promising deals. We systematically identify positive outliers at scale, while avoiding the pitfalls of a purely top-down approach.

Buy Well
Buy Well
Buy Well

Our in-house acquisition platform automatically filters thousands of opportunities per day to enable a hierarchy of increasingly experienced underwriters to apply their expertise to increasingly promising deals. We systematically identify positive outliers at scale, while avoiding the pitfalls of a purely top-down approach.

Operate Efficiently

We work with market-tested, technology-forward vendors, while overseeing their performance with custom integration into our own technology. Every critical decision, from renovation through lease up through renewal, flows back into our databases to drive further improvement.

Operate Efficiently
Operate Efficiently
Operate Efficiently

We work with market-tested, technology-forward vendors, while overseeing their performance with custom integration into our own technology. Every critical decision, from renovation through lease up through renewal, flows back into our databases to drive further improvement.

Different is in our DNA

ResiShares unifies best practices from our team's diverse experience from across the investment universe. We examine all assumptions from first principles, to systematize value creation in every step.

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Laser Focus through a wide angle lens

At ResiShares, we acquire and manage only Single Family Residential real estate for our institutional investment partners. This $30 Trn asset class has only begun its decades-long financialization journey. The breadth of our vision for how far it will travel enables us to arrive at the future before our competition.

Learn more about our Strategies